I had planned on showing off the fabulous pillows I made to coordinate with the stockings I linked to last weeks party, but I didn't make any pillows... I spent Saturday morning running to Target, Hobby Lobby, and Hancock Fabrics to make sure I would have all the supplies I needed to make my pillows. I wanted to make {2} 22" pillows, so I bought 2 black 20" zippers at Hancock. I wanted to make absolutely sure I would have enough fabric to make two pillows, so I bought an additional yard of leopard print fabric at Hobby Lobby, plus some pom pom trim and a yard of knubby black fabric for an accent pillow. I bought stuffing at Hobby Lobby, because neither they nor Hancock had 22" pillow forms ( apparently a frowned-upon pillow size). I went to Target because I've had my eye on these big, fun furry white pillows for about a month now and I thought they would be a great foil for the stockings and the pillows, but both Target's near us were out! Grrr.
I got up bright and early this morning (to discover the first big snow of the season! irrelevant to the story), got out all my pillow making crap, opened up a pillow w/ zipper tutorial on Design*Sponge... and realized I needed a zipper foot for my damn sewing machine. ARGH!
So I got discouraged and did nothing. All day. I watched She's All That and My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I sat on the couch in front of the fire, snuggled with the beasts, and read a few magazines... We all need a lazy day occasionally, right? Right.
On a more positive note, I finished all four stockings.
They are by no means perfect, but I'm happy with them overall. I did accidentally make one inside out, and one I attached the cuff and hanger wrong, but that's what seam rippers are for!
Not sure how smart it is to have them hanging in front of a roaring fire with no grate, but so far, so good (they don't actually hang over the opening, it's just the angle of the shot). We are usually in the room when the fire is going and if not, the house is small enough to smell smoke quickly! lol I kid!
Mister has a grate all planned out and he was actually working on it today, so {fingers crossed} it may be finished sometime this week!
We had a set of three reindeer stocking holders, but I needed a fourth for Dozer. Luckily Target has a similar buck that coordinates well-enough with our existing set. This one below is the new one. His rack isn't curly, like the original, but the body shape is nearly identical.
Mister found this shed antler at one of his work sites and brought it home for me years ago.
Cheap-O garland from Sappington Garden Shop to add a little extra bling.
I've had the mantle finished for a few weeks now, but I wanted to find a fourth hanger and finish the stockings before I showed you guys. For all you newbie readers, can you see why "traditional" Christmas colors don't work in our house? The quartz in the fireplace fights any and all non-pastels or strong colors and I am not visually talented enough to force it to work.
Have you made any decor for the holiday season? Join us for Kim's party!
Do you have a dominant feature in your home that you have to fight or work around? Do tell!